Special Connection Forged Between ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran and Germany’s March of Life

12901431_1346518045373820_2972648511865766750_oNearly a year ago, Jobst Bittner arrived at ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran to tell the story of a most remarkable endeavor. The association he had founded, The March of Life, was established on German soil and operated both within that country and abroad. Its purpose was to expose the horrors of Nazi racial ideology and the atrocities perpetrated during World War II, while inculcating future generations with a love of humankind and the uncompromising belief in the equality of all individuals.

As we talked, we came to the profound understanding that cooperation between the March of Life and ADI Negev, which was dedicated to the advancement of Israeli society’s weakest segment, would present German youth with a unique challenge for true acceptance of all individuals, without regard to their origin, abilities, or limitations.

The special connection forged between ADI Negev and The March of Life was translated into action. March of Life members embarked on an intensive volunteering program which opened up their eyes, hearts and minds to the world of people with disabilities and the unique challenges faced by ADI. The determined young volunteers quickly became an integral part of the Village staff. At every turn, they emphasized the deep meaning they found in their work.

Last week, the Association’s Dance Group arrived to perform at ADI Negev. Currently in Israel to perform at Holocaust memorial events, the dancers brought joy in Jewish song and dance to Village residents and caregivers, breaking down barriers in a powerful spirit of togetherness.

The importance of such events at ADI Negev cannot be underestimated. They provide a refreshing break from routine and do wonders to lift the morale of residents and staff alike.

Our deepest gratitude goes to Jobst Bittner for his friendship, and to the wonderful March of Life Dance Group for their beautiful performance.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/doron.almog.5/posts/1346518808707077

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