Tiefer eintauchen in die Hydrotherapie

ADI Jerusalem, in conjunction with Beit Issie Shapiro, is offering a professional enrichment course for hydrotherapists at ADI Jerusalem’s state-of-the-art hydrotherapy pool. The course will focus on autism, emphaszing characteristics, play-encouragement workshops, utilization of alternative communication and more.

Top-ranking professionals in the field are presenting the course, recommended for all therapists and people working in hydrotherapy.

“As one of the leading hydrotherapy pools for people with disabilities, it is important for us to continually offer our staff opportunities for professional enrichment,” says Yael Megiddo, director of ADI Jerusalem’s professional hydrotherapy pool. “We are happy to host this important course at our pool and once again emphasize that the course is open to hydrotherapists from all facilities in Jerusalem.”

Helfen Sie uns dabei, ADIs Kindern mehr Grund zum Lachen zu geben

Wir verändern die Leben von schwerbehinderten Kindern in Israel zum Guten - und Sie können das auch tun! Unterstützen Sie eines unserer Projekte, und Sie werden es unseren Kindern ermöglichen, trotz der Schwere ihrer Behinderungen, ein qualitatives und bedeutungsvolles Leben zu führen.